Working in partnership with parents and carers…

We understand that leaving your child for the first time at nursery can be a worrying time for you as a parent or carer. We operate a key worker system, where your child will have a key person who will co-ordinate all the information about your child’s needs and development and will share this with parents, carers and other workers to ensure a consistency and continuity of care.

Our Day Nursery

Immingham day nursery has been providing a warm, secure and happy environment at affordable prices for families in Immingham and surrounding areas since June 1994.

We open 52 weeks of the year 7.30am – 17.45pm excluding bank holidays.

We provide childcare for children aged 3 months to 5 years of age across a variety of sessions:

  • Full day 7.30-17.45
  • Morning 7.30-1300
  • Afternoon 13.00-17.45pm

We accept children accessing 2,3 and 4 year old government flexible funding and sessions can be arranged around parents needs.

We also accept childcare vouchers.

Read more here
Our Day Care

Immingham Daycare opened in September 2014 and is located within Immingham Children’s centre.

We are open 38 weeks of the year between 8.30am and 3.30pm.
We provide flexible childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds accessing government funding as well as providing creche’s for the courses parents access though the children centre.


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Meet The Staff

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Paul Chappill

Nursery Owner
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Louise Thompson

Daycare Manager
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Jodie Keast

Nursery Manager
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